As we near the end of January (already?!), many of us look back at the resolutions we made at the very beginning of the year. One of the most popular resolutions this year was to "Travel More". If that was also one of your resolutions, what are you doing to make sure you make it happen? Below are some travel-specific resolutions and how you can keep them.
1. Use Your Vacation Days. Research has shown that taking time off from work benefits both employers and employees. In spite of this, many people still don't use all of their vacation days. Whether it's a two-week break or a long weekend, take some time off to recharge! You'll return home with a sense of renewal.

2. Learn a New Language. For many would-be travelers, one fear is the inability to communicate in another country. This year, take a step to learn a new language and don't let that fear stop you from seeing the world!
3. Travel Spontaneously. Multiple airlines offer flash sales to various cities in the US and to international destinations. The key to taking advantage of these deals is to be flexible in your travel dates and be open to where you travel. Some of my best trips were to random European cities during my semester abroad in England that happened to be on sale at the time (Cagliari, Sardinia and Basel, Switzerland come to mind).
4. Take a Solo Trip. Is it difficult to schedule your group of friends to travel together? If yes, then take a solo trip! Many people are often hesitant on venturing to new places alone; however, not only do you have the freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want, you'll also meet many other solo travelers along the way and make new friends.

5. Take a Staycation. You don't have to go far to feel like you are seeing someplace new. Is there a landmark or attraction in your city you haven't seen yet? How about a small road trip to another part of your state or a state park? Even these short trips can leave you feeling like a new person.

The positive effects of traveling range from improving health to increasing creativity. Continue investing in yourself this year and travel!